Udyamini is a social initiative to increase the Female Labour Force Participation Rate (FLFPR) in Assam and West Bengal. 

In this context the India Programme sees an opportunity to positively influence the ecosystem for women entrepreneurship  by focusing on promising value chains Although government schemes for skill development and financing exist,they are not effective. We believe that we can help model improvements to these schemes and influence the government to adopt them. An additional element of the grant will fund the building of women peer networks and the dissemination of success stories   Such a complex proposition required bringing together a wide range of organisations with complementary skills and experience that matches the ambition of this initiative.

Women Entrepreneurs
Youth in Skilling
Lives Touched
Annual Income
Our Goal

Building a dynamic and gender-responsive ecosystem empowering rural women entrepreneurs to thrive and to multiply economic opportunities for more women.

  • To demonstrate and mainstream models of incubation, acceleration, and mentoring, that empower RWE. The program will be implemented in the states of Assam and West Bengal.
  • Establish innovative and scalable tools, products and platforms that increase RWE’s access to digital, financial, market, and technology solutions.
  • Expand collectives /platforms and hubs of RWE ( district and state-wide platforms), towards their enhanced voice and leadership.
Theory of Change

The change we want to bring


RWE Ecosystems– Current Situation


RWE Ecosystems– Projected Situation